Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Welsh culture abroad

At a mediaeval festival in mid-Germany a year ago in August I used the Welsh flag, books from Wales because an image of a photographer from Wales could be obtained after buying a ticket. The money earned was used for restoration work of Hanstein Castle. People were very interested. They asked questions about Wales, Aberystwyth, the weather, the castles. We were also offering visitors Welshcakes and scones. It was a lot of hard work, also advertising the event. I enjoyed it at the time but I won't do anything like this about Wales again - let the Welsh Tourist Board promote their wonderful country or the people who are getting paid a lot of money. I have contact to people interested in Wales in Europe and who speak Welsh. Sometimes there are meetings on the continent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In an exhibition recently of a cultural institution in Wales, I ask myself how one can only celebrate a culture? Coming from a country with a rich and sometimes difficult history I am more used to look at a culture from a critical point of view. Analysing a culture, seeing a culture - but I cannot celebrate a culture; very problematic!!