Rydym ni gyda thi ar y ffordd, O! Dduw. Nid un yn eistedd ar orsedd ydwyt Ti ond un sy'n cyd-gerdded gyda ni, gan droedio trwy'r tywyllwch a'r gwlybaniaeth, ac ar y ffordd diarffordd yn y niwl, ac ar daith ddibendraw. Rydym ni gyda thi ar y ffordd, O! Dduw, oherwydd nid un yn trigo mewn eglwysi wyt Ti ond un sy'n teithio gyda ni mewn pryder amdanom am na fedrwn ddewis rhwng llwybr encil a difodiant. Rhodia gyda ni, a gad i ni O! Dduw, gyd-deithio gyda'n gilydd. Rydym ni gyda thi ar y ffordd, O! Dduw, er nad ydym yn dy adnabod yn llwyr ar hyd y daith. A phob amser, rwyt Ti'n cuddio, mewn deilen rhosyn, yng ngwên crwydryn yn crwydro gyda ni gan ein cyfarwyddo i gerdded a chwilio amdanat Ti. Rydym ni gyda thi ar y ffordd, O! Dduw er mwyn i'r ffordd a'i nod fod yn un gyda thi.
(Cyfieithiad Annette Angharad Strauch o gerdd Dorothy Soelle - diwinydd o'r Almaen )
I intended to write a good Blog about Wales and about my experiences but a good friend thinks many of the Welsh people would mind me saying my sincere views and gossip about it in pubs and most of all attack me and beat me up. I never intended to insult anyone, the Blog served me as a diary last winter when I felt a lonely in the Welsh town I live. S. Minwel Tibbott and Gwen Jones were very good friends and taught me about the culture. Eirian Arwyn Jones helped me with the language problems. Delwyn Tibbott I owe a lot to because he corrected my M.A. thesis in European Ethnology ten years ago, also Alun and Celia Jones from Aberystwyth were very kind. I like Emyr who works in the shop in the Library in Aberystwyth. Cynwil Williams inspired me to read intellectual writers and with thoughts on religion, philosophy and psychology. I used to go to Capel y Crwys in Cardiff and once lived in a chaplaincy house in Cathays w ith students. I wonder what happened to Peter Clark for example?
I cannot help that I had nothing better to write here. Life for me in Wales has been nothing but difficult. I have deleted much many people worldwide would have liked to read but I respect my friend's feelings who said if you do well in the States, people love you but if you do well in Wales and you do not belong to a certain group they hate you. I had good times in the past in Wales, most important for many is that I speak the Welsh language - mae hi'n dda, ond ife? I was thinking about food in Wales, the prices are very high. There are a few supermarket chains like ASDA, Tesco, Morrissons (smaller) but I hardly ever go there. In general I do not like chains. I prefer the small shops but even those are chains now such as Spar or Londis. Marks and Spencer (cheapish clothes but good undies) sell nice food, esp. the sandwiches. Waitrose is a good shop. Lidl is another chain and I said I detest those but thanks to Lidl I survived while I lived in Aberystwyth. The price is okay – and I like certain types of food from there: yoghurt, frozen fish (even though I do not like frozen food really, but fish is okay – and the fish you buy in the local shop in Aber now seems to be frozen, too - and I said before that even though we live near the sea they do not sell fresh seafood from Aberystwyth / heaven knows why not). Lidl. Mmmh. Six years at University and now I still enjoy the joys of Lidl in Wales – great! They have good Chianti DOCG!
If in Wales somebody asks you if you fancy a cheese sandwhich they most likely mean Cheddar cheese – always Cheddar. I think in England it is similar. I do not want to criticize if this is too much for the faint-hearted. It is just an observation. Oh, I have tried smoked cheese - and in the Royal Welsh Show they sell very good Welsh cheeses. The problem is who of the people in Wales buy these cheeses? They are so expensive and they cannot afford buying them. Tourists bring home Welsh cheese I am sure. The few tourist that go there.
Tea – you think in Great Britain people drink the best tea in the world. I can recommend Twinings Teas. Personally, I like Earl Grey. Many people I have met buy the cheapest tea bags and dump those into a mug add milk, sugar according to taste and that is your cup of tea. They drink a loveless brew – absolutely tasteless. The tea suits the lifestyle! I like hot tea, not warm.
Sometimes a PG or Tetleys is very good – esp. with full fat milk, the one with the blue lid on the top of the plastic bottles (gone are the days of the milkmen unfortunately). In the Sunday Times, I read that people have started to become interested in White Tea in Britain…but the Style magazine was probably writing about people in London, Kensington perhaps. On the continent some people drink yellow tea now more and more. I have not tried it myself.
Assam Towkok Second Flush, Darjeeling First Flush, Orange Pekoe – Java OP Superior Malabar, English Five o’clock tea, Welsh five o’clock tea, green teas such as China Royal Jasmine Curls, lemon vanilla white tea, aroma black teas: pineapple mango strawberry cream, banana walnut, raspberry yoghurt, autumn tea, marzipan, O’Connors Cream, Easter tea, Sacher mixture, wild cherry, Rooitea – honeybush, fruit teas like strawberry kiwi, Kalimba Pitahya, cherry banana flip, Mambo No5 – pineapple yoghurt or herbal teas? No sign of Ayurveda with more wellness breaks. No – and you can tell when you look at the people. TV dinners are common and children do not learn to socialize, they learn all about crisps and get bad teeth. Fast food I have not really mentioned but I do not go to places like Burger King or Mac Donalds.
If in Wales somebody asks you if you fancy a cheese sandwhich they most likely mean Cheddar cheese – always Cheddar. I think in England it is similar. I do not want to criticize if this is too much for the faint-hearted. It is just an observation. Oh, I have tried smoked cheese - and in the Royal Welsh Show they sell very good Welsh cheeses. The problem is who of the people in Wales buy these cheeses? They are so expensive and they cannot afford buying them. Tourists bring home Welsh cheese I am sure. The few tourist that go there.
Tea – you think in Great Britain people drink the best tea in the world. I can recommend Twinings Teas. Personally, I like Earl Grey. Many people I have met buy the cheapest tea bags and dump those into a mug add milk, sugar according to taste and that is your cup of tea. They drink a loveless brew – absolutely tasteless. The tea suits the lifestyle! I like hot tea, not warm.
Sometimes a PG or Tetleys is very good – esp. with full fat milk, the one with the blue lid on the top of the plastic bottles (gone are the days of the milkmen unfortunately). In the Sunday Times, I read that people have started to become interested in White Tea in Britain…but the Style magazine was probably writing about people in London, Kensington perhaps. On the continent some people drink yellow tea now more and more. I have not tried it myself.
Assam Towkok Second Flush, Darjeeling First Flush, Orange Pekoe – Java OP Superior Malabar, English Five o’clock tea, Welsh five o’clock tea, green teas such as China Royal Jasmine Curls, lemon vanilla white tea, aroma black teas: pineapple mango strawberry cream, banana walnut, raspberry yoghurt, autumn tea, marzipan, O’Connors Cream, Easter tea, Sacher mixture, wild cherry, Rooitea – honeybush, fruit teas like strawberry kiwi, Kalimba Pitahya, cherry banana flip, Mambo No5 – pineapple yoghurt or herbal teas? No sign of Ayurveda with more wellness breaks. No – and you can tell when you look at the people. TV dinners are common and children do not learn to socialize, they learn all about crisps and get bad teeth. Fast food I have not really mentioned but I do not go to places like Burger King or Mac Donalds.
So, I shall now end my Blog: Thelandscapeisstunningtherestyoucanforget - but there are many other stunning landscapes in the world. Certainly I can recommend a trip to Wales, the beaches, the Eisteddfod with the great choir music,
St Fagans Open Air Museum, the mountains - Welshcakes, Scones, Cardiff and smaller towns by the sea.
St Fagans Open Air Museum, the mountains - Welshcakes, Scones, Cardiff and smaller towns by the sea.
The Blog was intended only to write down some of my personal observations - and what I have experienced MYSELF, I need to say this again and again. I worry about the ill people, the old age citizens, parents not having enough time for their children and too expensive kindergardens for the little ones, about crime and the police not helping the ordinary people, the lack of recreation possibilities for the teenagers, double standards, no socialising, the law, etc. Other people are not my problem even though I care for real friends. I worry about the above in case something happens to me. I admire the voluntary workers and people who care about the environment. Only once experienced being very ill one can understand and treasure the wealth of every minute, being without pain, the ability to work, just feeling sad about any form of wasting time because life is so fragile.
You are what you do – and I try to do the best. I detest jealous people and I love those who are a good example and support and above all those who show an interest. How often do I hear ‘So what!’ or just sigh.
The title of my Blog is provocative I admit but I preferred it to Reddragonblogspot, Leekblogspot, Brainsbitterblogspot, Calonlanblogspot, Rainblogspot, Welshlifeblogspot, ForeignerinWalesblogspot, Welshlearnersblogspot, etc.
The title of my Blog is provocative I admit but I preferred it to Reddragonblogspot, Leekblogspot, Brainsbitterblogspot, Calonlanblogspot, Rainblogspot, Welshlifeblogspot, ForeignerinWalesblogspot, Welshlearnersblogspot, etc.
The landscape is stunning is the second part of the title which is a positive thing to say, and in all countries you can forget a lot or you can be disappointed about. I want to forget my past bad experiences, having a good outlook and enjoying my life in Wales or wherever else I shall one day live.
It is good to speak a country’s language I believe but one must not overemphasize the importance of it. It can get on one’s nerves! What matters above all is what is in your heart and how you can live well with and for other people of all classes, ages, nationalities, disabilities, backgrounds, etc!! Hwyl fawr. I shall greet King Arthur and Iolo Morganwg when I see them. Only pulling your leg but some people cannot take it apparently.
What are your experiences in Wales?
What experiences do you have when you set out of Wales and go travelling for example.
In Germany Wales still equals England for the majority - but more have heard that it is something different compared to ten years ago I would say - maybe thanks to the Internet.
I just read an old article from the BBC from 2001. Now it is 2007 and nothing in UK - or in this case has changed. Like my friend Britta once said in Aberystwyth everything is more neglected every year:
I came to England two years ago, and I was not instantly impressed as when I travelled to Paris years before. I wouldn't say Britain is in deep crisis, that's a bit excessive, but there is certainly room for improvement, just as there is anywhere. I've observed that people here can be reluctant to complain about poor service, or poor whatever, because they're scared of causing a scene or hurting someone's feelings, perhaps. I was surprised when I entered a restaurant with my British friends, and when the service was obviously not acceptable, they were too embarrassed to get up and leave before we had ordered.
I was also startled that at my school, anyone who voiced a reasonable opinion that was critical was severely ostracised by the school staff. I think some people would prefer an illusion of contentment here, rather than face the negative consequences of telling a less than pleasant truth, and as long as people are satisfied with that nothing will improve.
Amy, USA
The Stern article is exactly right. I've lived in France and Italy and have visited other countries outside Europe. Britain has become a filthy, badly-run, grey little land, betrayed by an intellectual class that cuts itself off from everyday life while making populist claims against anti-elitism and academic rigour.
What chance is there of progress?
Chris Thompson, England
I have lived in Munich for the past 9 months and it is only now that I realise how bad things are. This article is correct. In Germany the transport, cost of living and way of life is far better than the UK. I am coming back to Britain in July but it won't be for long. It's also unfair to blame Blair completely, most of this he took over from the Tories. This article needs to be taken seriously.
Being German, I think I understand what they are trying to say. I mean, England is beautiful and the people are nice (most of them), but everything seems old, used, second hand - including services. I grew up and studied in Germany and came to England ca. 10 years ago, but England is still nowhere near where Germany was when I left.
Attitudes are mid 19th century; English people think everything that doesn't come from this island must be bad. Infrastructure is hugely neglected (yes, it's a lot talked about, but nothing actually happens); public transport is much, much more expensive than elsewhere. Recycling - common elsewhere in Europe since the 80s - is still regarded as something that is too much effort. The list goes on. Instead of developing and cracking on, England sits back, does nothing and then recalls 'old values' which are, frankly, values no more in today's world.
I laughed out loud when I read the typically "Deutschland Ueber Alles" article
Asim Kazancigil, Turkey
I just love German "honesty" - no white lies, just the truth... I laughed out loud when I read the typically "Deutschland Ueber Alles" article in the Stern magazine. I think it was hilarious, and unfortunately true. It seems that England, with its decaying industry (Rover is a good example), lost Empire and the recent diseases, has everything necessary to become the new "Das Sick Man Von Europe". It seems that the level of German honesty hurt your "British Empire Ueber Alles" feelings so hard that you felt the need of ridiculing Kaiser Wilhelm II's "sado-masochistic" sex scandals - which reminds me of the way Stern defined the public transportation in England as "sado-masochistic". Well, at least you didn't forget that Kaiser Wilhelm II was the grandson of Queen Victoria and cousin of King George V.
Asim Kazancigil, Istanbul, Turkeymrdavey
http://whatiswales.blogspot.com/Three people – strangers to each other - suggested I start a blog the other day.
Three people. Same thought. Same day.
So here it is.
I’m blogging. From Wales.
Next to England.
I’ve called the blog ‘What is Wales?’ because I know people are asking that question.
We’ll also be asking ‘What Is It For?’
Three people. Two questions. One blog.
And the whole future ahead of us.
So over the next few weeks, months, years, let’s tackle those questions.
How We Are: Photographing Britain, currently on show at Tate Britain, celebrates nearly 170 years of British photography, from 1840 until the present day. The exhibition explores our relationship with the medium and the ways in which the camera has been used as a tool for recording, assessing and evaluating both information and our own culture.
The exhibition displays over 500 images by some 100 photographers, including Julia Margaret Cameron, Nancy Hellebrand (image shown, 1), Benjamin Stone (2), Madame Yevonde, John Thomas (3), Roger Mayne (4), David Bailey and Grace Lau (5). The time-frame charts the evolution of the medium: from the use of the photographic image for scientific means, to its contemporary position as an artform that has the power to reflect social change.
Well this was to topic, of an opinion and comment piece on BBC news online (link bellow), their problem was that they couldn’t find anyone to oppose this motion. Well here goes:
Try this: http://britishexpats.com/forum/showthread.php?t=366891
Welsh women and men are quite ugly: fat, no dress sense but there are exceptions of course! Do British women generally tend to be ugly?" - Find the answer to this question and millions more on Yahoo! Answers UK.
uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070530191206AAG9QxK - 201k - There was an event in Latvia by the Library in Aberystwyth in April 2007 and one woman came in pink. The dress did not fit her at all because it was a size too small, she wore boots with the dress. Nothing went together. She herself thought she looked like Miss World. Unfortunately the friends would not warn their friend - British politeness. The Latvians and others thought: Jesus, what is that!
Keep up the good work.
@Andra: Sorry I cannot log in...have forgotten my username for this. Yes, I will keep up the good work. This comment cheered me up!
Do you know Wales, etc...?
All in all, I really enjoy my life. I like my profession, I like to travel - not many of my old school mates or the local people of Machynlleth have had the chanve to do what I do and have been doing.
I now concentrate only on the positive - not the negative. As my friend Eirian Arwyn told me years ago, Wales is not a country to move to become rich (unless you are a doctor or so). Other countries are better for the weather. I still like things like the Eisteddfod, etc. - but I do not want to li´ve here for good. Today, we are able to move more easily, etc.
Hwyl, Andra - and thanks!
Surviving in a foreign country thanks to Lidl has become quite a phenomenon I must say... It's shocking, how people tend to lose any moral doubts about the business practices of the discounters as soon as they don't have alternatives left to buy the products they're used to. Couldn't one just try and get used to the regional products instead of supporting such a monster chain in their plans of taking over Europe?
Interesting new comment on this blog! @Tim: Sorry, I have lost my blogger password - because I do not do anything with blogger right now (even though I like it) - well, rather than criticising too much here - and condemning - I would look at people's backgrounds first.
Yes, it is shocking - these monster chains! Also I hate Lidl really - but what about the Spar and the Co-op in Machynlleth? Those are chains, too / and shelves are often empty. The high cost of council tax, energy, etc. Here in this case, a lot of money was spent on the health. I have a friend in Cardiff who spend a house worth of money for her cancer treatment A lot of Germans, including friends and relatives tend to sit back & criticise. Here, a person out of work has to survive on 50 pounds - food is so much higher than on the continent - so are the other costs.
When I lived in Göttingen I shopped at Demeter (love the buttermilk & things). The regional products - in Wales - would love to eat more - unfortunately not even the local people can buy the regional products.
Such a silly comment, esp. now during the credit crunch / recession - it is very hard in Wales right now.
I do not belong to the sort of people who have to eat a Schnitzel (as a German) - and my partner fish and chips (as an Englishman) on their travels at all. I love the East European cuisine, Indian, Greek, French. I like the fresh markets! I like markets on the continent - I like the market in Cardiff / in rural Wales it is different.
I love the Welsh kitchen (my friend was S. Minwel Tibbott - expert on Welsh food) - but this is rural Wales. People do not eat the local products. It is too expensive.
@Tim: Why do the local people in Wales have all the health problems - they'd like to buy locally - they just can't. Healthy eating is a major concern here.
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[quote]TOKYO – Nearly a half million people in Japan were ordered to higher ground on Sunday, as coastal areas across the vast Pacific region braced for lethal tsunami waves. But only small waves appeared, and there were no reports of damage.
Areas ranging from Sydney, Australia, to the Russian Far East to the Hawaiian islands conducted evacuations and warned residents to be on the lookout for large waves following the 8.8 magnitude earthquake that devastated parts of Chile on Saturday. The Asia-Pacific region waited in suspense for almost 24 hours, the time that scientists predicted it would take shock waves from the powerful earthquake to race across the ocean in the form of massive waves.
But the predicted time of impact came and went, with only waves of up to 10 centimeters reported near Tokyo and of up to 90 centimeters further north along the Japanese coast. The same was true across the region, where officials breathed an almost audible sigh of relief.
“Luckily, these waves are far smaller than the agency’s forecast,” said Kazuaki Ito, director of the Information Institute of Disaster Prevention, a Tokyo-based non-profit group that advises on natural disasters.
The tsunami warning was lifted in Hawaii on late Saturday after waves of about 1.5 meters were sighted, without any apparent damage. Beaches were briefly cleared of swimmers, and tourists were sent to upper floors of hotels. But nations further west left their alerts in place for much of Sunday, even after waves proved small, in case of additional tsunamis triggered by the huge Chilean temblor.
Nations took the warning seriously in a region where raw memories remain of the deadly December 2004 tsunami in the neighboring Indian Ocean that killed nearly 230,000 people in 14 countries.
Some of the biggest preparations were taken by Japan, where meteorological agency officials issued the nation’s first major tsunami warning in 17 years. They initially said they expected walls of water up to 3 meters, or 9 feet, high.
In Tokyo, train lines and highways in densely populated areas along the edge of Tokyo Bay were stopped for hours. Further north, officials said they ordered the evacuation of some 570,000 households from coastal areas mostly on the main Japanese island of Honshu, a areas that has seen killer tsunamis in the past.
Television news programs showed elderly residents in Iwate prefecture sitting on blankets in school gyms that had been turned into makeshift shelters. In the hilly port city of Hakodate, on the northernmost island of Hokkaido, residents sat on hilltops for hours on Sunday watching the sea.[/quote]
I was watching on & off the MSNBC coverage and frankly not impressed with their 'scare' tactic coverage - based on scientific fact and investigation the after-effects would be obvious but hey what's with checking things first these days.... granted the potential for loss of life was there but could news channels act again like news channels - reporting the facts not paranoia & spreading fear.....plus I don't want to hear at the end of it all "Thank God he saved us"....if you believe that surely God caused it in the first place too...
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