Monday, 12 March 2007

When you are ill do not die

One knows about the problems related to the health system in Wales so I do not want to mention anything. My treatment was not good in Wales. I finally had to have an emergency operation on the continent - otherwise I would be dead // maybe paralysed (Cauda Equina) now. I had several mass disc prolapses! Very painful.
Der Bandscheibenvorfall ist eine Erkrankung der Wirbelsäule, bei der Teile der Bandscheibe in den Spinalnerven- oder Rückenmarkskanal vortreten. Bei mir lagen fünf Jahre akute Probleme vor, die nicht durch Physiotherapie beseitigt werden konnten. Dazu schreibe ich morgen mehr, denn ich darf gar nicht so lange sitzen und BLOGGEN, gell, ist ja alles schlecht für den Rücken!!


Anonymous said...

Without exaggeration, it was a near-death experience for me. The risks of not doing the operation were very real. There was a distinct possibility that even a bad cough or sneeze could cause Cauda Equina and I would be paralysed or incontinent for life. Not to mention, if things did not go as planned during the procedure, there would be consequences too. There was always the probability of reaction to the anaesthesia, potential nerve damage, etc. etc. That’s why, when I emerged from the Operation Theatre alive (even if not-yet kicking), I was thrilled! I would be able to walk on my own two feet, soon!!!

Now, until that day, surprising as it may sound, I had always tried to live my life with the Carpe Diem approach… Always believed that Life was too short to waste a single precious moment… always tried to make the most of each day. But this experience reminded me of how I had perhaps become a bit - lazy - in my thinking and action. There were so many things I’d been procrastinating on. I no longer attempted them with the urgency I once had.

As I struggled to regain my strength, day by day, muscle by muscle, I couldn’t help but think - The time to do it is NOW!

Do what, you ask? Every thing. All the things you put off for another day. All the things you postpone for the day you will have some leisure time at your disposal. All the things that matter to you - are important - but just not “urgent enough”. I could not wait to get back on my feet again (no pun intended), to do all that… and more.

Kevin and Seri said...

Sorry to hear that you were so unhappy in Wales. And a little surprised.
