An diesem Sonntag mit Mark und Anne in Tywyn bekamen wir in einem Pub dann unseren Kaffee umsonst. Der Pub hatte seinen letzten Tag. Die Miete war unbezahlbar geworden und der Pub musste schliessen.
Im Januar brannte in einer anderen walisischen Stadt - a friend is scared we could be attacked if I mention the name - noch die Weihnachtsbeleuchtung. Um halb fünf werden die Bürgersteige hochgeklappt, Cafes geschlossen. Innerhalb eines Jahres haben acht Geschäfte dicht gemacht. Es gibt zwei Läden, die ich durchaus mag: die Spektrum Galerie, wo man schönen Schmuck kaufen kann und Ian Snow, dort gibt es Geschenkartikel, Kleidung, etc. Ist nett zum Stöbern. In dieser Stadt gibt es eine Sportanlage. Es ist aber nicht leicht, Mitglied zu werden. Seit 2 Jahren versuche ich es schon, doch die Einführungskurse an den Geräten kommen einfach nicht zustande; es wird einem nicht abgesagt. So lasse ich es bleiben und gehe lieber selber wandern oder schwimme im Meer. Von Power Plate hat in Wales kaum einer etwas gehört. Es gibt 1 x Kieser Training in London. Ich hatte meine Bedenken geäussert und e-mails an die Verwaltung der Stadt geschickt. Der Bürgermeister fühlte sich leider zu Unrecht angegriffen und setzte diesen Artikel in die lokale Zeitung:
Mayor defends town against visitor's attack
PEOPLE defecate in the streets of X, and whilst its landscape is stunning, the rest of the town is forgettable, the town council has been told. Councillors received a letter from a German woman who had stayed in X for a while and was not pleased with what she saw. Annette Strauch’s complaints included untidy streets, high council tax, high rates causing shops to close, and drunken people screaming in the streets at night. “The Christmas lights are still on in town in the middle of Jan-uary - what a waste of energy,” she said. She added that the most appalling thing was young peo-ple defecating in front of the X Museum a few days before Christmas. “This is not very nice at all and I have never experienced it anywhere on the continent in such a small town. “The landscape is stunning but the rest you can forget. “Other people feel the same, it is so sad.” The Mayor of X hit back at the harsh opinions, and has responded personally to the critic including that lower taxes would be at cost to other services. “I took exception to her com-ments about street cleaning. “The person responsible for street cleaning is very hard working and diligent, for instance I know he was on the streets at 4am on New Year’s Day, cleaning up after the pre-vious evening‘s celebrations. “Some of the party-goers were still on their way home when he began his shift. “Not only is he on his own for street cleaning in X, but he has many other tasks to perform in the surrounding villages. “I agree having the Christmas lights still on is a waste of energy but under current Health and Safety regulations, the Chamber of Trade has to rely on Powys County Council providing a skilled person to take them down.” Cllr Dunn also highlighted that the empty shops might be empty for a number of reasons. Regarding the drunken people at night, Cllr Dunn said: “This is a great cause for concern for us all and there is little doubt it does happen. “However it is the minority of people who conduct them-selves in this way, although with the type of behaviour we are talking about, it only takes a few to upset the majority.” The suggestion that young people defecated outside the Tabernacle appalled the mayor, he said: “I share your disgust although I don’t know what can be done about it.” Ending his letter to Ms Strauch, Cllr Dunn said: “How-ever I do not agree with a lot of your conclusions and was a lit-tle saddened by the fact that you ended ... with the words “the landscape is stunning but the rest you can forget.” “I still love this town and have no intention of forgetting it,” he concluded.
A very weak mayor! Instead of understanding the criticism here and doing something positive for the people, he holds on to the old-fashioned and bad ways. Rules and regulations are as always on the island more important than common sense!! Like Annette, I could never live in such a town or country for good!!!
For a European from the continent Machynlleth market is not attractive. Bad fruit and veg. In Mach there is a horrible Donar Kebap place; the locals though do not mind the bad food!
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